
Goretti becomes an innovative PMI!


Since 7 October 2019 our company has been classified as “innovative” to all intents and purposes.

The status of innovative small and medium-sized company was introduced in 2015 by Law no.33 of 24 March 2015, converting Decree no.3, also known as Investment Compact.

Innovative SMEs are enterprises operating in the field of technological innovation, regardless of the business sector; they are characterised by investing strongly in technology, research and development, as well as by their highly qualified staff. No constraints are placed in terms of sector, because technological innovation covers all industrial areas.

In order to be acknowledged as innovative SME, Goretti had to prove its ownership of patents and that, every year, at least 3% of its turnover is invested in research and development.


Our company is constantly developing because we believe the continuous upgrading is the only way to remain competitive.
More specifically we have chosen to focus on three elements:

  • technological innovation, by purchasing machinery and equipment which meet Industry 4.0 requirements, for example UV-LED technology printing and its bridge machinery with Vision system;
  • continuous investment in product research and developmentinnovative solutions, as well as services with a high added value;
  • corporate organisation based on the principles of lean production.

In the future we plan to continue investing in innovation, with a view to preserving and increasing the value of factors regarded as critical for success:

  • Training of employees, already started on the occasion the workshop organised with Italian Fashion Engineering;
  • manufacturing technology by purchasing highly advanced machinery and equipment;
  • style research, thanks to partnerships with innovative start-up enterprises.
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