
Towards the new collection: The Art Of Dance, The Monster Of Rebellion

verso la nuova collezione

To Goretti, creating beauty together, in synergy, is a precious, essential, concrete and collective value:

That’s why we turned the company into a Benefit Society, to give back the great human, cultural, creative and environmental treasure we receive from the ensemble of people and organizations that inhabit our territory and make it alive with their impactful commitment. Our vocation to connect cultures and communities has thus become a key part of our mission: as a Benefit Society, we commit in turn to support and develop our collaboration with cultural and social initiatives, institutions, associations and artists that root their stimulating proposals here in Serra de’ Conti (in the province of Ancona) to make them flourish in engaging projects that, while generating positive impacts, make visionary sparkles shine.

This short introduction is not a mere boast, but rather the reason for a joyful pride. This same reason led Goretti to meet and collaborate with an extraordinary artist, who has proved to be an essential source of inspiration for us: Chiara Ameglio.

chiara ameglio

Chiara Ameglio is a dancer, performer and choreographer among the most significant, intense and interesting of the current artistic scene where dance melts into theater. We got to know her precisely thanks to our connection with local initiatives:

as a Benefit Society, Goretti decided to support the local cultural association TiVittori, which last summer co-created and staged in Serra de’ Conti a wonderful project called Ar(t)s. The project’s core, articulated in different themes, vibrated with the meaningful presence – during an art residency, a workshop and a performance – of Chiara Ameglio.

Through generous meetings and free exchanges, Chiara Ameglio offered us the chance to dive into her unconventional and very deep research, a research that permeates all her work. There we found impressive suggestions which nourished and inspired the soul and shape of our collections.

In her multidisciplinary choreographies, Chiara Ameglio investigates the mystery of the “monstrous”:
through her body language and discovery spirit, the artist immerses in the shadows of the “monster” inhabiting cultures of all times and living in everyone’s unconscious, explores its perturbing, ancestral, intimate and powerful nuances and, from the fearful darkness of the invisible, makes a potent wonder come to light: our beauty lies in our uniqueness.
If the “monster” is the symbol of everything that must be concealed because it’s anomalous, rejected because it’s different from what the society considers normal, the act of monstrare (Latin for showing) becomes the prodigious drive to open light cracks in the darkness to welcome and set diversity free: that’s what happened with the delicate and surprising act of “unveiling” the universe of love experienced by people with disabilities, at the core of our collaboration with Lapsus, which brought to the creation of our previous collection “Primo Atto” (First Act), and what will happen with the instinctive and surprising gesture of “rebelling” to conventions that inspires the narrative of the upcoming collection, “Mani Ribelli” (Rebellious Hands).

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chiara ameglio_workshop

We are happy to have contributed to make the entrance to the “Ave Monstrum” event free:
in this way, many were able to experience on their skin and in their emotions the magic of the site-specific performance in which Chiara enacts her investigation of the monstrous, an extraordinary journey made all the more evocative by the atmosphere of the location, the Museum of Monastic Arts in Serra de’ Conti, in whose ancient caves “the monster” danced its tale of mystery and revelation.


We are thrilled to have supported the “Oraculum” workshop:
in this six-day experience, Chiara welcomed anyone who wished to dialogue with their monster, express it through their body and dress it with a revelatory mask – built with materials donated by Goretti, thought for fashion and transformed into art tools – and then bring it to light in the final performance called “Atto Magico” (Magic Act), which involved the whole local community.


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