
At the Lineapelle exhibition we presented our spring|summer collection 2023


At the Lineapelle exhibition we presented our spring|summer collection 2023. The mood for the new season is A/STRATTO. The collection is inspired by the irregularities and unexpected, atypical shapes of human interiority. The visible and invisible world of Lapsus artists, torn into pieces on the panels of their artworks, is recomposed on the fabrics of Goretti. Looking shifts to distinguishing: the artworks acquire a new shape and turn themselves into finishes, decorations, unusual materials, complex processings, and unique styles. AB/STRACT patterns minutely follow the color traces that the deepest emotions, tattered, leave on the surface. The gaze of Lapsus artists reinvents a beauty which is unable to deceive: the contrasts inside humanity contribute to a new, authentic harmony of which Goretti becomes the honest voice.

Lapsus was founded in 2013 with the aim of offering disabled artists a home where they can express their creative potential, and of turning irregularity into an artistic code, moving away from a concept of mere assistance. A/STRATTO originates from the collaboration between Goretti and Lapsus: two workshop environments operating in different sectors – the former in fashion, the latter in social inclusion – that work in the same measured way to create something stunning from the unusual nuances of the human soul.


Letting yourself be guided by the collection A/STRATTO is an experience that allows you to explore a plural, sophisticated, intimate and authentic reality. It’s a journey that frees reality from deformations to finally tell things as they are. A/STRATTO is the unveiling of an illusion, it is wearing Existence.

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